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NGA Employee CAC Resources

Step 3 - Using Remote Access For ChromeBook

1. Launch the Citrix Workspace App

2. Add one of the following URLs depending on your location;

3. You will be prompted for a certificate. If you have been migrated to the PIV certificate select it. If you have not been migrated select the Email Certificate to login to the website.

4. Next, select the Desktop icon to launch the Citrix session.

5. Once the Citrix session launches, you will be prompted to select a certificate again. You will have to select between the multiple smart card options. If you have been migrated to the PIV certificate select it. If you have not been migrated select the ID certificate. ***For the PIV cert it will be a 16 digit number followed by @mil***


Need Assistance?

For detailed instructions, please refer to the Remote Access User Guide.

Remote User Guide

If you are having trouble with these steps, please contact the Enterprise Service Center.