About NGA
NGA is a unique combination of intelligence agency and combat support agency. It is the world leader in timely, relevant, accurate and actionable geospatial intelligence (GEOINT). NGA enables the U.S. intelligence community and the Department of Defense to fulfill the president’s national security priorities to protect the nation.
The agency is headquarted in Springfield, Virginia with two major locations in St. Louis, Missouri and Arnold, Missouri. Approximately 14,500 civilian, military and contractor employees work across more than 100 locations in the United States and 20 international locations serving on support teams at U.S. military, diplomatic and allied locations around the world...Read More
Work at NGA
When you want more than a job, you want a mission. Whether you’re analyzing data or conducting imagery analysis or providing mission support, a career with the NGA helps protect our nation and our world.
NGA has three primary locations in Springfield, Virginia, St. Louis, Missouri and Arnold, Missouri as well as opportunities to serve across the globe. You can learn more about NGA's locations here.
Learn more about NGA's open opportunities, the career service options, the hiring process and the benefits of working with NGA...Learn More

The Latest from Tearline

Chinese Economic Cooperation with the Taliban: An Assessment of Progress
“Friendshoring” and securing access to critical minerals and industries are a defining point in U.S.-China competition. With the arrival of the Taliban in Kabul, there is much media speculation on the potential for the Taliban to go all-in on Chinese-funded extraction and connectivity projects that can provide a semblance of economic stability. Foreign Policy reported that, on paper, Afghanistan is one of the most mineral-rich countries in the world but historically has struggled to build its mining sector. China has funded at least 112 Belt and Road projects throughout Central Asian neighbors, underscoring...Read More
Moonshot Labs
Moonshot Labs is a cross-agency asset with an initiatives approach to measuring success and accountability. Opened in July 2021, NGA’s Moonshot Labs is an unclassified innovation hub and collider space for NGA, its partners and customers to meet, create, collaborate, and innovate. Moonshot Labs offers a preview of the unprecedented collaborative environment to come at the agency’s St. Louis campus when it opens in 2025...Read More

NGA Director Discusses Agency’s Future with GEOINT AI at 2024 DODIIS Conference

NGA Director VADM Frank Whitworth participated in a fireside chat during the Department of Defense Intelligence Information System Worldwide Conference held Oct. 27-30 in Omaha, Nebraska.
The theme of this year’s conference - Integrated Deterrence Through IT Superiority - allowed the director, alongside Defense Intelligence Agency Chief Information Officer Douglas O. Cossa, to discuss GEOINT artificial intelligence, the Joint Mission Management Center and NGA’s relationship with the National Reconnaissance Office and Space Force...Read More